8 Billion Angels

Our feature-length documentary dares to tell the truth about the conflict between our population and the sustainability of our planet.


Our Feature Length Film

Today, humanity’s demand for resources vastly exceeds nature’s ability to supply them. 8 Billion Angels dares to tell the truth about the conflict between our population and the sustainability of our planet. It dispels the myth that technology can save us, that reducing consumption is plausible, and that the problem lies solely in the developing world. 8 Billion Angels addresses overpopulation honestly and compassionately. 

Crafted to inspire international dialogue and provoke action about population's role in our global humanitarian and environmental crises.

8 Billion Angels is crafted to inspire international dialogue and provoke action about population's role in our global humanitarian and environmental crises. To do this, it outlines 4 key action steps: supporting organizations that improve women's access to family planning and education; adopting measures to reduce our global carbon emissions, promoting a small family ethic among all people; and advocating for governmental policies that slow and reverse population growth.

Genre: Unofficial Trailer - Documentary

Stage: Post-Production

Director: Victor Velle

Producer: Katya Alexander, Douglas Emerson

Executive Producer: Terry Spahr

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Learn more about 8 Billion Angels